Wednesday, May 6, 2009


In our family, we have Jackisms and Carolineisms. These are phrases or words are changed up in some way so that they mean the same, but they're different. Example: Macation (Jack's early attempts at Vacation).

Yesterday, Jack's Cub Scout troop had a field trip to our city's service center. It was a very enlightening experience, not just for the boys but for the parents as well. I learned several interesting facts about the service center and what exactly goes on there. For example, I saw the computer program that helps the person monitoring the water towers and other items keep track of the amount of water in the water tower. It was cool. I also saw the traffic room where the workers keep track of the traffic with the cameras. 70% of our streets can be viewed in that room (Jack quickly pointed out that 30% couldn't be viewed).

The tour took us through the main building, the service center where they maintain the city's fleet of vehicles, and lastly the city's animal shelter. Of course, I knew what was coming. It was an interesting tour though. We got to see the exotic pet room, the adoptable kitten room, the quarantine room for dogs and cats, the "petting zoo" animals (goats, Easter chickens, etc), and lastly the adoptable dog room. Cheap trick I thought.

Anyway, there was this red dachshund that was there. He was cute, but we already have 3 dogs plus Jason can't have a new pet in the house for another year-and-a-half. So, we're safe with the whole, "Let's get a new pet thing". Plus, we've told them that we won't get another dog until one of the older ones passes away.

Here's the Jackism. Later on in the evening, Jack was in the back talking with Jason. He called me to the back and when I got there, he asked, "Mom. When Lilly passes out.....forever, can we get a Jack Russell Terrier?" I looked at him kinda funny and restated what he'd just said. Then it dawned on me he was saying "when she passes away."

So, now in our family when someone passes on, they actually pass out.....forever.

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