Thursday, February 16, 2012

When it Rains, It Pours

My grandmother used to use this term when things would happen in life all at once.  I was reminded of this last night when several things that have been "brewing" converged all at once.  The freezer that I'd bought "new" a year ago has started developing frost.  It has begun to spill over into the refrigerator, but the people I have had come out insist there's nothing wrong with it.  Yeah, right.  So, I'm trying to figure out what to do next.  Then, my washing machine drain pipe starts backing up spilling water down the wall and onto the floor.  No problem, it just needs to be roto-rutered.  The faucet is dripping and wasting water, the sprinkler system needs to be prepared, my daughter "lost" her homework folder, and my son face planted into the sidewalk last night cracking the screen to his beloved iPod.  All of this happened at one time and will need to be prioritized so that I can fix it as the money becomes available.

Oi, the joys of home ownership.

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