Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's time likes these...

that I really, and I mean REALLY, miss Jason.  I got a call from my mom yesterday and she promptly handed the phone over to Jack.  The following is a basic retelling of that conversation:

Me: "What's up?"
Jack: "Can we talk tonight? Something weird happened at school today."
Me: "Sure.  Can you give me an idea of what happened?"
Jack: "Well, there's this girl, Zoe.  She asked me if I'd be, you know, know."
Me: "Boyfriend?"
Jack: " Yep.  Mom, it came out of nowhere.  I didn't see it coming."
Me:  "Well, do you like her? Is she nice?"
Jack: " Yeah, she's nice.  She's not a bully or anything. (Well that's comforting!)  She's in my class."
Me:  "How did she ask you?  Did she write a note or something?"
Jack: "No.  She came up to me at recess and asked if I'd be her boyfriend.  It was weird.  She was really nervous."

Me: "Well, what did you say?"
Jack: "I said, Yeah, I thought so.  But I would have to check with you first."

Now that made me laugh (inside of course).  I agreed we'd talk about it later and when we got home we sat down at the kitchen table and talked.  He was really confused.  I reassured him that going out in fifth grade was NOTHING like going out as an adult.  He was quite relieved that he wouldn't have to take her to the movies or anything.  He said he wouldn't do that until Junior High.  I reassured him that'd be fine, but he could guarantee that Mom and Caroline would be going to see the same movie, at the same time. :)

He asked if they'd have to hold hands and I said not if he didn't want to, which was a relief for him.  Then he asked what about if she made him hold hands or made him feel guilty for not holding hands.  I gave him some things to say, but if she kept at it he should break up with her (which I assured him could very well happen before Friday).  He said he wasn't going to hold hands until junior high, kiss until high school, and have sex until he was married.  So that's a relief, and I'm writing it all down so I can bring it back up later (I know, I'm mean).  I did remind him though, that when he got older and he wanted to do something and some girl didn't want to, he should remember this and not pressure her or make her feel badly for not wanting to do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

Jason was supposed to have this conversation with Jack, not me.  It makes me a little sad that he wasn't here to have that conversation with Jack.  But it's been had, no going back. 

We'll see how long it lasts.

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