Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

The kids decided again this year to do our annual Father's Day Photo.  So, we headed to get our family photo the week after school was out.  We all decided that this year we wouldn't included Jason in the picture, not because we are forgetting, but because we want to remember.  Does that make sense?

You see, for the last five years the kids and I have done photos of the three of us to give to Jason to put in his office.  Being a principal is a very demanding job, and often times Jason had to work late (especially since he was in a middle school and there were several activities that were going on in the evenings).  So the pictures would give him an incentive to get home as soon as he could to spend time with the kids. 

This year, the kids wanted to return to our traditional Father's Day photo.  The remarkable thing about this photo, to me, is that they look happy.  The sure do miss their dad, but our family, friends, and church family have helped the kids cope really well this year. 

So Happy Father's Day Jason!  The kids are going to bring you a photo on Sunday.  So you'll remember them until we can all be together again.

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