Sunday, February 20, 2011

Work Smarter, Not Harder.

If you've kept up with my career at my school, you'll know that it's been an interesting ride.  It's been hard again this year, and I have to think it has to be because it now can be.  It's hard to explain if you don't work at my school, but the staff has truly rallied around each other and supports each other because we have to. 

I do have to say that the recent trouble at school has spurred me to follow one of Jason's recommendations (which I have to say when he was alive, I'd roll my eyes say, "Whatever.  It works for you but not me."). 

You need to work smarter, not harder.

It became brutally clear when Caroline said, "Mommy, you don't spend any time with us!" (of course she says this, then pounces on Aunt Kirsten when she gets here. :) ).  So I decided that it was time I listened to him and figured out a way to work "smarter, not harder."  I came up with a calendar that listed when I'd do lesson plans, grade papers, etc during the week.  If I do a little bit at a time, I can get it all done by Friday (grade level planning) and still have time to spend with the kids.

The first week went really well.  I was able to spend time this weekend doing laundry and doing some crafts with the kids.  I got grades entered on Friday so that I can send home reports with my students to show them their missing work, but still had time to spend with my own children.  It felt GREAT!

Another benefit is that I've been able to go running again.  I slacked off after the White Rock Marathon, but then got bogged down with work and the stresses of TAKS season.  But now, I'm working smarter and feel like I'm doing just as good of a job as before.  But the added bonus is that I get to spend time with the kids and I'm not so darn tired. 

Now, if I can only keep it up. 

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