Monday, August 23, 2010

Another first

Today was another first for us.  It wasn't necessarily a bad first, but it was first at any rate.  It was the first day of school for the 2010-2011 school year.  Last year, Jason went into work late so he could take the kids to school.  Not really a big deal, other than Caroline was in kindergarten.  But this year, it was still a family event.  Grammy, Pa, and Aunt Dana took the kids to school. 

This year is a totally different start for Jack.  For starters, he'd acted as if he'd won the lottery when he found out he got the teacher he'd wanted.  So this year, here's how it went down:

A half a block from the school, traffic bogged down.  Jack told his Pa that he could let him out right there and he'd go on ahead to class.  Pa was having none of it, so Jack stayed in the car.  When they finally parked and got out, Jack shot out of the car and ran on ahead--too cool to be seen with parents or grandparents for that matter.  Grammy did say she noticed periodically he'd look back to make sure they were still there.  By the time they got into the school, Jack had already gone into his class.  So they escorted Caroline to her room.

Caroline loved it: being escorted like the Princess of some foreign kingdom.  However, the moment she got into the room several kids were excited to see her and called her over.  She said nary a word of goodbye to Aunt Dana and Grammy.  So much for that.  So Grammy and Aunt Dana decided that they would go down to Jack's room and say goodbye to him.  When they got to Jack's room, they found his teacher standing in the doorway greeting everybody and Jack sitting at his desk with his back to the door, staring straight ahead, with his hands folded on his desktop waiting for class to start.  Grammy and Aunt Dana introduced themselves to the teacher and talked for a little bit.  Jack heard them talking to his teacher and turned around to look.  When he made eye contact with Grammy he put his hand up on his shoulder and just ever-so casually waved.

They're getting so big.

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