Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week in Review

Okay. So here's the rundown of my week (as if you really needed to know or cared to know. but here it is anyway):

*Nights were hard, and I mean HARD. Caroline has started having accidents in her bed again. I'm not really worried, because her schedule has changed, and her life has changed. She really misses her daddy, but won't talk about it. I need to remember to take more time and sit with her and color or play games so she can talk to me about her feelings. She tends to open up if she's doing something. She had several bad dreams this week and ended up sleeping on Jason's side of the bed.

*Jack is beginning to stress about his TAKS scores. We were told by the state that we'd have them by this past Thursday, but on Thursday they extended the deadline to the 26th of this month. All the kids have been asking at my school, and they were at Jack's school as well. We all told the kids the same thing (it's better to be honest) at the beginning of the week - we'll have them hopefully by the end of the week. So I can't tell you the number of nights this week that Jack was up with diarrhea. He is like Jason and carries his stress in his stomach (I carry it in my shoulders).

*We had something going almost every night. Tuesday was scouts, Wednesday was Caroline's soccer party, Thursday was a PTA/Scout recruiting night, and Friday was the end of the year Scout picnic. Of course, last night I did the Relay for Life Garland event and didn't get home until about 11:30 p.m. (I had planned to stay all night until 5 this morning, but after my week I was tired).

*The 6th graders at my school went to see Madame Butterfly at the Winspear Opera House. I loved the place. It was very beautiful and elegant. The chandelier was amazing (I thought it was the best part of the place). I'm not really crazy about the Opera Madame Butterfly though. I know it was a shortened version of the story for the kids, but I couldn't get that into it. I only had one kid try to pick up some girls from another school this year.

*I did the Relay for Life last night with a group from school. I really enjoyed it, although it was a little rough getting started. I hadn't really mingled with any of the ladies outside of work, and some women I didn't know very well. Jason had always been the outgoing one, and I'd always find a way into a conversation with someone he was talking to but never initiating the conversation myself. So this was a difficult one. It was a little emotional as well. There were several survivors there, but there were luminarias of people who hadn't survived. There was a point during the event where they turned out the lights and did a presentation. Then everyone walked around the track once without talking. It was very powerful. It made me miss Jason something terrible. After the long week I had had I left around 11:00 to go to bed.

*We got our TAKS scores in. I don't know how my class did or how the sixth grade did, but I know how our school did. This made me miss Jason even more because I wanted to share with him our success.

* 8 more days of school and then the summer is here. I am meeting this with mixed emotions. I'm excited and looking forward to the time of relaxing, but am nervous because I'll have more time to reflect on the last few months.

* My daughter is slightly depressed. I talked with her counselor yesterday and she agrees that Caroline is depressed. I hope we can fix this soon. She's six, you're not supposed to be depressed at six. You're also not supposed to lose your dad at six either, so it's understandable.

* I'm almost done with this school year. Hopefully next year will be uneventful. I hope the fifth graders mature a little bit. I've seen them in the halls, and holy smokes! They're in for a SHOCK when they hit mine and Cindy's rooms next year.

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