Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've got your back.

Yesterday evening was very difficult. My son had been involved in an incident at school that resulted in an office referral for him and two other students. When I got home, I was assailed with the story of what happened and a plea from him to believe he didn't say it. Now, I do believe him. Is it probable that he said what was said, sure. Is it likely? No. That's for another blog entry.

Before I went to bed I said a little prayer for Jack. I prayed that God would let Jason come down from Heaven and sit with Jack while he was in the principal's office. To sit with him and give him the support and strength to get through the meeting without losing his temper or getting really upset. Jack needed that invisible person to be "on his side" in a situation where there probably wasn't anyone on his side. I fell asleep at peace knowing that Jason wouldn't abandon Jack in his time of need.

Early this morning I was in that "in between sleep" state. You know, the one where you're still asleep and somewhat dreaming, but you are aware of every noise in the house. I dreamed that my cell phone rang and Jason was on the other end. I was desperate to hear his voice and he said, "Honey, listen to me. Jack is going to be just fine. I'll be there today for him, just like I am every day. Don't worry, it'll be fine." He went on and told me that everything would be okay and I was doing a great job. He was proud of how I'd handled the email to the teacher and how I had handled Jack last night. I remember saying over and over that I loved him, and he said he loved me too. He ended by telling me that he's with the kids every day, and me as well.

He ended as he always did on the phone. "I love you and I'll talk with you later."

Jack didn't go see the principal today like his teacher said he would. That gave him hope. He told me that at the "walk and talk" he walked by himself and held the medallion that I'd given him and talked to his dad as he walked.

Jason was right, he did have Jack's back.

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