Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh what a wonderful day...

The song that I'm thinking about is from a Broadway musical, "Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day. Something, something, something, yadayadayada. Every thing's going my way." It might be from Oklahoma, who knows. Never saw the musical. But that's what I am thinking about as I review my day.

I went to church this morning, by myself. Jason had a rough night last night and I decided to let the kids enjoy their last day of freedom by not having to argue with me about getting dressed for church. I enjoyed a little bit of quiet time by myself, so it was a nice trade-off. It was deceptively cold today, so I wore my new coat I bought over the break. I must say, I looked nice. I don't usually get dressed up for church, but I did today. After church I went home and picked up Jason and the kids and we went to lunch, and enjoyed a nice conversation because I'd told the kids that one of my New Year's Resolutions was to curb back their electronic usage because they had no clue how to entertain themselves unless they could use something that was plugged into an outlet. So in the car we could talk or they could read, and at lunch we would talk or they could just eat. Conversation was nice and quite enjoyable.

Upon returning home I dropped everyone off and went to our local auto shop to get two air pressure gauges. Jason's tired on his Charger have had the tire pressure light on for some time so I thought I'd check them and air them up if I could. When I got home it was eerily quiet and Jason was watching football. When I inquired about where the kids were I was told that, "a blond kid came and got Jack and Caroline was with him and a blond girl." Hmm, that's descriptive. It turns out that they were kids from Jack's grade (one was in his class the other was in another) so it was cool. Not long after finding this out the phone rings and it's Jack letting me know that they are now at this other boy's house, but Caroline is still playing with the other girls (yea!!!!). I got to check on her and I see them coming around the corner (it's Caroline and two other girls). One is in Jack's class and the other goes to another school but went to Yale last year. So, come to find out they're both in 3rd grade (I think they thought Caroline was in 2nd because she was just as tall as they were). After finding out that there wasn't much to do at our house (the dogs were in the back so the backyard was off limits, Jason was watching football) they decided to go back over to this other girl's house two streets away.

Halfway through the Cowboy game I looked at Jason and said, "Do you think I should go check on everybody? They've been gone since we got home." No sooner had I asked that then Jack and 2 of his friends come over and Caroline and the two girls from earlier come in as well as a new one. They played in her room for a little bit and then went outside to play some more. Caroline comes back inside about 20 minutes later because the other girls had to go home, but Jack and his friends are still playing on the Wii and having a ton of fun. I had to take Caroline over to one of the girl's houses because she'd left something at our house and when I got back Jack and his friends were working their way over to one of the boy's houses and invited Caroline to come along. At about 6:00 I got into the car and headed over to the boy's house to pick up the kids (caroline didn't have a jacket), but was met halfway there by them. It was soooo cute. Caroline was walking as fast as she could and Jack was riding his bike the best he could in the grass (he was going slow so he wouldn't leave Caroline).

When it was time to go to bed we followed the "new" bedtime routine. It is as follows: brush teeth and hair. Clean room, vacuum floor in room, put clothes in the dirty clothes, put backpacks and shoes in mom's car for in the morning. When all of that's done they were allowed to watch a movie. Jack fell asleep in 2 seconds, with Caroline not far behind. Jack's new chore is to take out the trash (which he did just fine with) and Caroline's is that she has to load the dishwasher with me after dinner.

So now it's 9:45 and I'm finishing up lesson plans and lunches and will be heading to bed shortly. Not too shabby.

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