Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No one is safer than Mom.

Tuesday night Jack had his Cub Scout meeting. His Class A uniform wasn't clean, and so we almost left because he couldn't participate in the Flag ceremony and he was bummed. Luckily, we stayed and he got to participate in the Cub Scout meeting. This was the night that he was going to get his prize for selling popcorn. As the meeting started, I saw his den leader lean over and whisper something to him. Her husband, who is also a den leader, leaned over and told me that Jack was the highest selling scout in their den so he was going to get to throw the whipped cream pie in one of the den leader's faces. Jack's eyes lit up and he was so excited.

As the meeting progressed, a couple of the mom's and I were having a discussion. All of a sudden, I heard, "Jack's mom!" All eyes turned to me and it was at this time I learned that Jack had picked me. "Wait a minute!" I thought. It was supposed to be a den leader. I found out later that they had told Jack it could be his den leaders or someone else. They meant another leader in the Pack, however, Jack is a very literal guy and he thought that meant anyone else. So, he picked mom.

The Pack leader said I didn't have to do it, but come on! Right! I"m gonna tell my kid no. As it turns out, someone did tell their kid that. Not me. I took the pie right in the face!

How often does a kid get to throw a pie in their parent's faces and NOT get in trouble. At that moment, I was the coolest mom in the room. Needless to say I was the safest person around for Jack. The way I look at it is this: I can use this later on for something I want.

"Jack, remember that time I took a pie in the face?" I can't wait.

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