Sunday, November 8, 2009

My mini-Me

My daughter, so I'm told, looks just like me. I kind of see it, but I don't know. Maybe it's the dark hair, maybe it's the shape of the eyes. All I know is she's growing up and I'm noticing some interesting things that I'm going to have to get advice on how to handle. So here it goes:

* I overheard her talking to her soccer teammates before the soccer game on Saturday that she just loved soccer. But then during the game it became apparent that she wasn't so sure. She's not a runner by any sense of the imagination, so I'm hoping she'll wait until they do positions. She'll be a great defender. Her allergies were bothering her so she wasn't breathing her best. She got tired quickly. But she was a trooper, as were her teammates. When she came off the field for a rest, she sat on my lap and said, "I"m not a very good soccer player. I get tired too fast." We talked for a little bit that she didn't have to run all the time. She could hang back from the mass of players and kinda be like a defender. She liked that idea and did that for a little bit. But a couple of times she found herself with the ball ahead of all the other players heading for the goal. She ended up scoring 2 1/2 times (one was an assist where the girl kicked the ball toward the girl, and Caroline kind of guided it in with her leg). So she is good, she's just lacking confidence because she's not a runner.

* She LOVES to wear my shoes. I've given up trying to keep her from wearing them, but she'll sneak into my closet and get a pair. So I figured that if she wanted them that badly why not?. I know she has them on because I'll hear her clicking down the hallway.

*She's creative. She changed at the last minute what she wanted to be for Halloween and together we came up with items in the house that she could use. Her eyes would light up every time she thought of something that would work for her costume.

*She likes make up. I saw her this morning watching me as I put on my make up for church. She was peering around the doorway just watching. All I could see was part of her Sunday dress and her face with her pony tail. So I handed her the blush brush and she put on her blush. Then we added a little bit of eye shadow and lip gloss. Then I let her put lip gloss on me. She was happy and skipped off down the hall.

As she gets older, I notice her becoming a little bit more unsure about herself. I hope that I can encourage her and help her build her confidence. She's a very special little girl.

1 comment:

KC said...

I agree that, for both Caroline and Jack, keeping that self-confidence and self-esteem up as they grow up is crucial. They're both so special and gifted in their own ways, and it is a life skill to admit your strengths without getting big-headed, and to see your weaknesses but not be paralyzed by them. You and Jason do such a great job helping the kids see their strengths and get out there and try new things.

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