Monday, August 31, 2009

I feel like the woman in the Chef Boyrdee commercial.

You know the one. Her daughter asks her if there really are vegetables in the can of ravioli and the mom sits there and has a conversation in her head about what will happen if she lies about it. That's how I felt Saturday night.

Let me preface this by saying my daughter has an interesting thing happening with her teeth. They are falling out left and right. My son was 7 years old before he lost his first tooth. Caroline was 4. The interesting thing about her is that when she loses one, there's another one loosening up right behind it. She lost her two bottom teeth within a week of each other, and the same with the top two front teeth. The latest was one of her bottom canines. She wasn't quite ready for dad to pull it, so she freaked everyone out by pushing it down flat and giggling.

Well, Saturday I was out mowing my yard and I was coming around the side with the weed-eater when I heard her scream for me. When I looked up, she had blood coming out the side of her mouth. "Oh Sh-t," was my thought. She and Jack had gotten too rough playing and Jack had hurt her. She came bounding up to me and smiled showing the place where her tooth had been an hour ago. She explained, on the way inside to gurgle with salt water, that she and her brother had been playing. Jack was about to fall of the side of his bed and jerked to keep from falling. When he did, he accidentally (she stressed accidentally) kicked her in the mouth dislodging her tooth. The only problem was she thought she'd swallowed it.
"How would the Tooth Fairy know that she'd lost her tooth if she didn't have one to show for it?" was her pleading question. I tried to reassure her that the Tooth Fairy would know, but it didn't make her feel better. "Would you like to call her and ask?" was my question. Caroline said that she'd feel better if she could, so we went inside to call the Tooth Fairy.
I called my older sister, hiding the numbers as I dialed telling Caroline that the number was Top Secret. When my poor sister answered the phone I started with, "Well hello Tooth Fairy! I'm so glad we caught you before you left." I quickly explained the situation and asked if she could talk to Caroline. I handed the phone over to Caroline who went into this long explanation of what happened. The whole time, Jack was leaning over trying to listen in on the conversation.
"Hey," he exclaimed. "I know that voice." Oh no! He recognized my sister's voice, was my first thought. The gig is up, dang. What was next, Santa Claus. I innocently said, "You should." He said, "Yeah, I had to speak to her once before about my first tooth." Whew! "Yes, that's right you sure did."
When the conversation was over, Jack asked Caroline what the Tooth Fairy sounded like. Caroline's response was, "Old. She sounded old." I about fell out of my chair. Kirsten had tried to channel an Irish grandmother.
Apparently it worked, they still believe.

1 comment:

MJP & SJP said...

Kudos for quick thinking!

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