Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just catching up with blogging.

- Today is July 4th - Let freedom ring.
- If North Korea fires a missle at Hawaii - GAME ON!
- The fireworks at last nights Kaboom town in Addison were great.
- I find it interesting that I get more emotional during the medley of armed forces anthems than I do Josh Grobin's "You lift me up." (Silly, I know.)
- Why is it that children have to ask a GAZILLION questions during really interesting parts of _____________ (insert whatever - last night it was fireworks, sometimes it's movies), and then get upset when you've gotten so exasperated you that you've told them for the GAZILIONTH time to be quiet.
- The vintage airplanes at Addison Airport last night were wonderful. It amazes me how a small plane can make so much noise.
-Our neighborhood association is AWESOME. They plan tons of wonderful activites for the neighborhood, have a citizen's patrol, and only charge $25 per year in fees.
- Our neighborhood parade was this morning. I knew I was in for trouble when I was sweating getting out our bikes to decorate at 9:00 in the morning.
- Jason went with us. He did a great job considering a) how slow we were going - you don't realize how hard it is to ride a bike when you're going 2 miles per hour; b) it's been awhile since he's rode his bike that far; c) IT WAS HOTTTTT!. He ended up breaking off from the group early, and I expected he'd meet us at the Women's Center when we were done but he didn't. Too comfortable in the air conditioning (can't say as I blame him).
- I met a really nice lady at the end of the parade event. I've seen her around with her daughters but Caroline and Jack have been in no mood to stop. I thought her oldest daughter was Caroline's age but I found out today that I was wrong -- she's going into 2nd grade. The younger daughter is going into Kindergarten and Caroline was excited about this news. They'll be going to our neighborhood school as well. I think they moved here about a year ago.
- I also learned that they had moved here from France. The mother and husband were from Denmark, the oldest daughter was born in Denmark, but the younger girl was born in France. How cool is that? When they speak to Caroline and I they have perfect English, but when they speak to their mother it's Danish.
- Steve McNair is dead - WOW!
- Not a good month to be a celebrity.
- I'm on level 16 of Farmtown. I know it's lame, but it's somewhat fun. Caroline helped me harvest some crops today. Goofy, I know.
- Three more days until Corpus Christi!

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