Friday, June 19, 2009

That's what I get for not paying attention.

Fourth grade year at Spring Valley Elementary. Which one am I?

I don't remember much from this year. Actually, I don't remember much about elementary. I have often thought that I just didn't pay attention to school. I mean, I was okay at it (A/B student) and I remember my teachers. However, I was recently at a get together where there were some people I knew from elementary and jr. high and discovered how much of it I really didn't remember. I have fragmented memories of school. For example, in my fourth grade year, I can remember which classroom I was in, and how much I hated the 4th/5th split. I remember going home one day because, at that time, schools were shut down sooner during the winter if it was going to be cold for long, and I remember watching some education show with a frog in it. But I don't remember the people that much. I remember three of the people in the picture (other than the teacher)

When I signed up for Facebook, Jason was amazed at how little I remembered from high school. He didn't believe when I said that in high school my main goal was to get out. I wanted to move on and finish college so that I could be self-sufficient. Friendships, at least in my class, seemed so superficial. I did have one really great friendship in high school, but we ended up going to two different places for college and drifted apart. I don't regret or feel badly that I don't remember much, but I'm not one to sit around and think, "Oh I remember the days!"

My 20 year high school reunion is coming up next year, and I'll probably go this time. Enough has happened to warrant going. It's okay that not everyone is going to be there, because I know some people who will be able to fill in the gaps.

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